From September to December 2019

The final activity of our project is the development and sale of a solidarity calendar. The students of the three educational centers have participated in its elaboration and have collaborated in the sale of the same. With him we want to contribute our small grain of sand to improve the world, and make our young people aware of the importance and value of being in solidarity to eradicate the inequalities that exist in the world. With very little, we can make many happy people.

The funds raised will go to different local NGOs.

From January to June 2019

Making Friends is a project that Santa Cruz School has been carrying out this year with a Kenyan School called Kirwara Primary School. To make thism project possible we have counted with the support of Green Lion Kenya and Bioparc ( Valencia, Spain).

During the project, we held several Skype connections with the teachers and students of Kiwara’s school. Thus, the students have been able to meet, talk and learn from each other.

Although we are a humble school, we try to educate in solidarity and respect towards others. For this reason, we have organized a fundraising campaing through a solidarity raffle in order to help the Kirwara school.

Thankfully, we achieved our goal and Kiwara’s school will be able to have an electrical installation next year. In addition, with the funds we will also help the families of the students through scholarships so that their children can continue studying.

The project was presented in the “Educate in the SDGs. Pedagogical experiences. Presentation of Good Practices” conferences.

The conference “THE COOPERATIVES OF EDUCATION AND ITS ROLE IN THE 2030 AGENDA” organized by the Unión Española de Cooperativas de Enseñanza (UECoE) which will be held on June 3 in Segovia.

This conference was aimed at the management and teaching staff of Cooperatives of Education, Educational Centres of Social Economy and other interested training centres and especially at teachers of centres that can lead other colleagues in the dissemination and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the classroom .

From 3rd to 14th December 2019

A new solidarity campaign in EBSAS school in Portugal to collect food for the most needy and disadvantaged people in our community.

Campaña solidaria en Portugal

From 23rd April to 11th May 2019

Solidarity campaign in EBSAS school in Portugal to collect clothes for the neediest families of the school. It is worth highlighting the involvement of all the families, teaching staff and students in this wonderful campaign.

Portugal solidaridad

From 1st to 31st May 2018

The students of 2nd CSE in Santa Cruz school have been working on their own collaborative project with UNHCR. The Art teacher Paz Mata, who was also their tutor, proposed to make handcrafts with clothes pegs. By clicking on the link you can visit the Website that was created to show the world these small arts and crafts. People paid the amount they considered appropriate for this work made with love and generosity. All the funds raised were donated to the project EMERGENCY SIRIA, managed by UNHCR.

Thanks for your help and for disseminating this message.


January 2018

In Santa Cruz School we are supporting a food-collection campaign for the Saharahuis Refugees’ Campsites in Tindouf with AHUIM (Asociación Humanitaria Internacional de Mislata, a local NGO). Our centre and its students have been collaborating with surrounding organizations. We are be very grateful for the participation of the entire educational community.

ahuim cole


December 2017

During this Christmas period, different food collection campaigns have been carried out with great success in EBSAS school in Madeira and in Istituto Superiore Elio Vittorini Lentini in Sicily.  Meanwhile, in Valencia, the Santa Cruz school has promoted a social campaign to collect shoes and clothes for disadvantaged people.

